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ARCI Bruxelles’ Ordinary General Assembly 2021
The GA will take place on 21st November 2021, at 11:00-14:00 at Elzenhof. Please fill in this registration form to participate! You will receive confirmation of your registration in due time. Please note that only members who have joined/renewed their membership to ARCI Bruxelles for the current membership year (2021-2022) hold voting rights. You can request to renew your membership
ARCI Aperi-dinner to support Mimmo Lucano & membership renewal!
Elzenhof Av. de la Couronne 12, Ixelles, BruxellesARCI’s aperi-dinner and membership renewal.
Bruxelles is also on the frontline to defend solidarity: this Saturday join us and many other organizations to express our solidarity to Mimmo Lucano, on the occasion of the #Riacenonsiarresta days.
Arci Bruxelles incontra TLON con Marina Pierri e Maura Gancitano
OnlineLunedi sera collegati con noi per una chiacchierata a base di filosofia! Parleremo del progetto Tlon, casa editrice, scuola di filosofia e libreria teatro, e del nuovo libro: "Eroine: come i personaggi delle serie tv possono aiutarci a fiorire." Saranno con noi Maura Gancitano, co-fondatrice del progetto, e Marina Pierri, autrice del libro. Connettiti tramite il tuo account Instagram e