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First 2023 ARCI apéro

Elzenhof Av. de la Couronne 12, Ixelles, Bruxelles

January means back to work after the winter break… so we decided to kick off the new year with an ARCI apéro to fight le blues de la rentrée! We are looking forward to see you again at @elzenhof, next Saturday. We will present ARCI’s guide to the city, created thanks to our members’ support and collaboration. Il 27 gennaio

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ARCI Aperi-dinner to support Mimmo Lucano & membership renewal!

Elzenhof Av. de la Couronne 12, Ixelles, Bruxelles

ARCI’s aperi-dinner and membership renewal.
Bruxelles is also on the frontline to defend solidarity: this Saturday join us and many other organizations to express our solidarity to Mimmo Lucano, on the occasion of the #Riacenonsiarresta days.


Arci Bruxelles incontra TLON con Marina Pierri e Maura Gancitano


Lunedi sera collegati con noi per una chiacchierata a base di filosofia! Parleremo del progetto Tlon, casa editrice, scuola di filosofia e libreria teatro, e del nuovo libro: "Eroine: come i personaggi delle serie tv possono aiutarci a fiorire." Saranno con noi Maura Gancitano, co-fondatrice del progetto, e Marina Pierri, autrice del libro. Connettiti tramite il tuo account Instagram e

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